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4 steps to a captivating business introduction

Mar 30, 2023

Many business owners struggle to write an introduction for their business. They have no idea what information to include in it, let alone write one that wins customers.

 First impressions matter!
First impressions matter!

With the internet so competitively crowded, it’s tricky to stand out.

This is why your business introduction is one of the most important elements of your website. That’s a lot of pressure – no wonder writer’s block is standing in your way.

Writing a strong business introduction on your Savvy site, or ‘bio’ on social media, allows your audience to see what your business is about, what products or services you are offering, and most importantly, how your offering solves their problems.

Customers want to know what makes you special. Why are you the better option?

What is a Business Introduction?

Your business introduction is your first impression. It gives your customers an insight into your brand, your values, and what you can do for them.

It’s an opportunity for you to answer critical questions and show customers your brand's personality. It’s the digital version of an elevator pitch.

A business introduction will be relevant to your website, social media pages, and business directories. Various digital environments have various character restrictions limiting how much you can say. Your business introduction will need a little nip/tuck from platform to platform to fit these constraints, but the core has to be clear and uniform. No matter the platform, you want to ensure overall brand recognition and consistency.

Why is a Good Introduction Important?

Your business introduction is where you show your customers why you are the winning choice, and not your competition.

When a customer lands on your website there are a couple of things they are looking for that will guide them in deciding whether they want to do business with you or not. They want to know if your solution is the answer to their problem.

It is important you represent your business authentically and clearly on your site. To ensure your business introduction is effective, leverage your unique selling proposition (USP).

Not to be mistaken for your value proposition. Your USP is how your business is different and unique in the market. Your value proposition is the benefits or results your ideal customer will experience when using your product or services.

Mentioning your USP will ensure your business introduction is strong and attractive to your ideal customers.

4 Steps to a Captivating Business Introduction

1. Know your audience

The first step in writing any content for your business is knowing who you are speaking to. Do you have an ideal customer in mind? Not everyone is your customer. You need to address your customer specifically.

2. Captivate Quickly

A clear and concise mission statement about who you are and what you offer will serve you well in an ever-increasing competitive digital arena. We all want information fast. We run to Google to find a product or service provider and spend a few seconds as we jump from site to site. You want your customers to know they have arrived at the right place when they click on your Savvy Site. You want their next click to stay on your page – on one of your Savvy Site action buttons.

3. Highlight your benefits

Now is not the time to be timid about what you believe sets you apart from the competition. Be clear about the value you bring and how you alleviate customer pains or frustrations. An empathetic voice goes a long way. Even though we are in a fast-paced world, people still sense when there is true understanding for the help they need.

4. Call-to-action (CTA)

Don’t forget to prompt your customer to take the next step. ‘Sign up’, ‘Follow’, and ‘Contact us’ are some of the main calls to action we encounter daily online. We see them everywhere because they matter. It is not merely a trend or style choice. A key feature on your Savvy Site is your customisable quick action buttons, front, and center. They are your best ally. An undecided customer may still click ‘Contact us’ and you’ll be able to field their inquiry promptly and seal the deal when you can answer their questions specifically and establish trust that you are the right fit for what they need.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Business Introduction

Avoid grandiose promises

Your business introduction is a place for you to connect and bond with your customer, so it’s important to be authentic. An overly inflated sales pitch, before they know what you are about, can be alienating.

We all want to stand out from the crowd, and with that comes the temptation to embellish what we do and how we do it. Avoid making claims or promises you can’t keep about services or products you won’t be able to deliver. The internet can be a relentless place for your business when service delivery falls short.

Now that you are ready to get started with your Savvy Site, don’t forget these key points when introducing your business:

  • Keep it short and authentic

  • Remember to speak to your customer, not the internet in general

  • Boldly state what makes you special

  • Set your call to action

We’ll see you on the Savvy side.

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